International Sloth Day 2019
Today is International Sloth Day and I'll be celebrating by sharing lots of fun information about these amazing animals. For instance,...

October's inspiration
Working in a university library, the first few weeks of October are always the busiest of the year. We’re meeting all the new students...

Making of a design - bee pattern
September and October are the last push on my children's book, but I've also been taking time to create some pattern designs. I recently...

September's inspiration
After a jam-packed summer, it’s nice to have some down time in September. In mid-August, my family and Alexej’s family went to Georgia...

Making of a design - ocean pattern
Today is the start of World Water Week, and I thought this would be a good occasion to share the process behind one of my recent designs...

Tempi's friends
Despite being very busy throughout June and into July, I've still managed to make time to work on my children's book, Tempi. I'm so happy...

July's inspiration
June has been incredibly busy, but in the most enjoyable way. My haul from ELCAF, UAL degree shows, and the Illustrator's Summer Fair UAL...

Nice, France
The attack in Nice that happened on Bastille Day really hit home for me. Alexej’s mom lives in Nice, and we’ve visited her every August...

Wedding animals
It's (sort of) summer, and that means weddings! As I've said before, I'm a big fan of weddings. I completely understand all the arguments...

Wedding designs
I have to admit, before Alexej and I started thinking seriously about marriage, I didn't think it was for me. I figured that if I ever...